He took that sip…

I couldn’t believe my ears.  After all the progress he made…. reunited and got full custody of his 8 year old son, nice job and a nice place to live………..He took that sip of Alcohol.  All these thoughts rushed into my head, but the one that stuck out the most was, I wonder what drove him there.  What was it that made him go back into that darkness.  Let me feel it, experience it.. let me relate to it just for a moment.  I want to know what you feel right before you decide to take that drink.  What is that darkness like???  Why is it that all those positive things in his life couldn’t over power the Demon.  I pray for you today, for Strength, Will, and the Determination to move forward and start again.  I pray you dust yourself off and let yesterday be done, Today I can.

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